Friday, 30 November 2007

Fantastic New NLP Book, "The Rainbow Machine"

I'm currently reading a wonderful new NLP book called "The Rainbow Machine: Tales from a Neurolinguist's Journal" by Andrew Austin (available from

I first met Andy on an NLP course back in the late 90s, & again on various Frank Farrelly workshops (Frank is the creator of Provocative Therapy, & a huge influence on the field of NLP).

I was struck then by Andy's good humour, passion, irreverence & skill, all of which come across in his superb book. Recommended reading!

As it happens, videos, audios & articles from Andy are soon to be appearing on our new NLP site, - watch this space!

Jamie Smart

1 comment:

Salil said...

Hows the book? Is it saying about NLP techniques or NLP coaching?