Friday, 21 December 2007

Reboot your neurology & wave goodbye to hesitation with the pizzawalk & urban sprinting

A few years ago I published an article called "How to wave goodbye to hesitation" which detailed a technique called "The Pizzawalk" which I use to help people overcome hesitation & rejection-anxiety.

Anyway, I found this fantastic youtube clip today, called "Urban Sprinting".

While I am absolutely NOT endorsing the activity in the clip, it has a strong spiritual connection to pizzawalking, & made me laugh like hell. The pizzawalking article is re-presented in full below.

This Week’s Tip

This is the final part in our exploration of ways for you to overcome the last of the three obstacles to mastery…

- over-reliance on focal vision

- internal dialogue

- a feeling of hesitation

Last time, we looked at ways to quiet the chattering monkey. Today you have the opportunity to say a fond farewell & wave goodbye to feelings of hesitation, but before you do…

He who hesitates…waits

As Richard Bandler, (bona-fide genius & co-developer of NLP) says "He who hesitates…waits…& waits…& waits…" Almost everyone has situations where you would like to do something, but find yourself hesitating. I’ve heard Bandler describe hesitation as one of the main barriers to learning, & he focuses a great deal of time & energy on helping people to overcome it.

Would you like fries with that

One day in London, I was on the tube on the way to train some telesales people, helping them to overcome ‘sales call reluctance’ (ie. not wanting to pick up the phone & dial.) I was reading the book Change (by Watzlawick, Weakland & Fisch) & came across a story describing how Watzlawick helped a student who had been unable to complete his thesis due to anxiety. He told the student "Go into three shops over the next week & make an absurd request." The student did so, reported a shift in attitude, & finished their thesis shortly thereafter.

I loved the idea, & thought it might be useful with the reluctant telesales team, but I knew that I couldn’t ask them to do something I wasn’t willing to do myself. I said to myself "You have to do this now", & as soon as I got off the tube, I went into a well-known fast-food hamburger joint outside the station. I joined the queue, looking around at the other customers. My heart was pounding like a drum; even though I knew rationally that I was in no danger, my neurology was responding as though I were about to stick up a bank.

When I got to the counter, I looked at the person behind it &, with a straight face, asked for a ham & pineapple pizza. She looked confused and said "What?" I repeated my request. She said "We don’t sell those." "This is a chinese restaurant isn’t it?" I replied. She said no, I said thanks anyway and left. I felt like I had just knocked out Mike Tyson – I felt invincible!

Now, before you send me loads of email saying how childish this is, & how it isn’t really NLP - I know. But the result was amazing. In the days following, I did several similar acts. Each time, my physical response was diminished, but in other areas of my life, the opposite happened. I started to exhibit less hesitation and more wanton ‘go for it’ than ever before!

Thrilled with my success, I invited the telesales people to do similar absurd acts, and they reported similar liberating results. I knew I was onto something.


A few years ago, I became interested in Tony Robbins & went to one of his weekends, eagerly anticipating the fire-walking, which I had heard so much about. I was really looking forward to it, and Robbins did a great job of building up the anticipation, but when the time came, I found it impossible to actually believe that walking on the hot coals was in any way dangerous. As a result, walking across them didn’t have much impact on me as a metaphor for overcoming fears in other areas of my life (though I know it really works for some people.)

By comparison, THE PIZZA-WALK EXPERIENCE costs nothing, can be done virtually anywhere, and is incredibly powerful. So…

1) Identify a few of the areas in your life where you hesitate and would like to just go for it.

2) Choose a commercial premises (eg. shop, restaurant, petrol station) and make an absurd request (ie. ask for something they definitely don’t sell) while keeping a straight face. Be polite, safe and non-threatening.

3) Repeat twice more in the course of a week.

4) Look forward to the situations where in the past you would have hesitated, and enjoy your new responses.

One of my clients used to have difficulties asking women out on dates. I sent him out to a burger joint to get some Italian food. Within the week he had a date and now has a full diary. This stuff works!

For those of you who are worried about the person behind the counter, in all the times I’ve done this, their response has been anywhere from bemused to very amused, but never frightened. The key is for you to be non-threatening and polite (ideally coming across as a bit confused.) For those of you who are thinking this is pointless, foolish or humiliating – you probably need this more than most J

Why does this work?

Our central nervous system is set up to protect us from dangerous situations. Many of us have been heavily conditioned against making mistakes (by teachers, parents, peers etc.) and code mistakes as dangerous. Yet making mistakes is an incredibly important part of learning, growing and exploring. A willingness to make mistakes is an absolute must for anyone who wishes to become skilled at NLP (with me, I used to be almost phobic of making mistakes, but no more.) The Pizza-walk Experience seems to help you eliminate this unhelpful response. There are lots of other NLP techniques which can reduce hesitation & increase ‘go for it’, but this one’s the easiest & quickest to communicate in writing. By the way, obviously there are times when it’s useful to hesitate (eg. when about to step into a busy street.) Keep those.

More advanced

This is also great for playing with beliefs around money. I was in Egypt a couple of years back, and found that you are expected to haggle over the prices of items in shops – it’s a cultural norm. When I returned to the UK, I went into a large DIY shop, picked up £300 worth of expensive equipment and offered them £40 for it. Once again, my neurology responded as though I was in a dangerous situation, even though I was perfectly safe. By doing this, though, I was able to start changing my beliefs around money (Stuart Wilde’s book The Trick to Money is Having Some is where I got this idea.)


Re-wire unhelpful hesitation responses in minutes with today’s tip…

1) Identify a few of the areas in your life where you hesitate and would like to just go for it.

2) Choose a commercial premises (eg. shop, restaurant, petrol station) and make an absurd request (ie. ask for something they definitely don’t sell) while keeping a straight face. Be polite, safe and non-threatening.

3) Repeat twice more in the course of a week.

4) Look forward to the situations where in the past you would have hesitated, and enjoy your new responses.

Next time

Please…send this tip on to as many people as possible. People in our society are way too afraid of looking silly, and they deserve to be liberated from this terrible affliction. This will help them to have more of what they want in their lives.

The key with this is to DO IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. The results of this will amaze you, and the sooner you start, the sooner you can start reaping the benefits. Remember, reading about it just isn’t the same as when you do it. Be safe, be considerate, have lots of fun and amaze yourself. J

Best wishes,

Jamie Smart

PS Click here to watch a youtube video of me explaining the pizzawalk

Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Uncover Hypnotic Obstacles to Success

Our beliefs shape our perceptions, our actions, & the results we get. On our new NLP Community Forum ( someone asked "How can you uncover unconscious limiting beliefs?" It's a great question - after all, if they're unconscious, how do you know they're even there? Limiting beliefs are an example of "post-hypnotic suggestions", & when you uncover them, you can accelerate your results by a huge factor.

Here's a quick & easy way you can use to uncover limiting beliefs, ideas & attitudes in a certain area (I'll use 'money' as an example, but it will work for anything).

1) Choose the area to explore.

2a) At the top of a blank piece of paper, write "Money is..."

2b) At the top of a second blank piece of paper, write "Dealing with money is..."

2c) At the top of a third blank piece of paper, write "Wealthy people are..."

I find it useful to include aspects relating to identity (eg wealthy people are, fit people are, successful people are) as well as the thing itself (money is, exercise is, healthy eating is, success is, work is etc).

3) Taking one sheet of paper at a time, complete the sentences as many times as you can, with whatever ideas pop into your mind.

For example, a person might write:

- Dealing with money is boring
- Dealing with money is dull
- Dealing with money is important
- Dealing with money is something I should be doing

4) As you look at what you've written, notice which statements have some "energy" or "charge".

5) As you notice these feelings, say "Thank-you" to them. It's not about judging the beliefs / ideas / attitudes as good or bad. They've all served you in some way until now. What you resist persists, but what you thank feels acknowledged, & can start to shift & change.

6) You can practice your NLP meta model & other questioning skills to play with the ideas you've written down, with a sense of fun & play.

7) On a seperate sheet, write down several new, empowering beliefs that you'd like to adopt.

For example:

- Dealing with money is fun
- Dealing with money is easy
- Dealing with money is a straightforward habit, like brushing my teeth

If brushing your teeth is not yet a straightforward habit, it's probably worth sorting this out before dealing with your money beliefs :-)

8) You can, if you wish, burn the original sheets of paper as a symbol to your unconscious of releasing those old ideas (remembering of course to keep all their positive intentions).

Have fun!

Jamie Smart

Friday, 30 November 2007

Fantastic New NLP Book, "The Rainbow Machine"

I'm currently reading a wonderful new NLP book called "The Rainbow Machine: Tales from a Neurolinguist's Journal" by Andrew Austin (available from

I first met Andy on an NLP course back in the late 90s, & again on various Frank Farrelly workshops (Frank is the creator of Provocative Therapy, & a huge influence on the field of NLP).

I was struck then by Andy's good humour, passion, irreverence & skill, all of which come across in his superb book. Recommended reading!

As it happens, videos, audios & articles from Andy are soon to be appearing on our new NLP site, - watch this space!

Jamie Smart

Wednesday, 28 November 2007

The hidden link between NLP, lager & motivation

Someone asked me the question "How does the NLP idea of stating goals in the positive work with people who have an 'away from' motivation?"

Put simply, people who have "away from" motivation are motivated to avoid what they don't want (Eg. an accountant focusing on avoiding mistakes, or an insurance assessor focusing on avoiding paying out cash).

In contrast, people who have "towards" motivation are motivated to move towards what they want, or the benefits of getting it (Eg. an entrepreneur who is focusing on creating a certain lifestyle, or a teacher who is focusing on their students being able to demonstrate certain skills.)

The question above was raised in response to the NLP idea that a "well-formed" goal should be stated in the positive, ie. saying what you want rather than what you don't want.

Here's an analogy.

Two chaps walk into a pub, both wanting a pint.

Biff wants a pint because he’s had a rough day at work, & wants to stop feeling stressed (an “away from” motivation).

Skip wants a drink because he’s celebrating closing a big deal, & wants to lift his mood even higher (a “towards” motivation).

But when the barman asks what they want, they both say “A pint of lager”. They recognise intuitively that saying something like “To not have a dry mouth” will not get them what they want. They realise that in order to get what they want, they need to state their goal in the positive, telling the barman what they want rather than what they don't want.

The two men have different “motivation directions”, and that’s absolutely fine, but they still state their goal in the positive in order to get an effective result.

Let me be clear: Biff has not changed his motivation direction; it’s still “away from”. It’s his GOAL that’s stated in the positive.

(By the way, neither Biff nor Skip has received any NLP training. They are not aware of metaprograms, & haven't in fact given any of this any conscious thought. Their neurologies have automatically sorted all of this out without them even thinking about it consciously).

The distinction is between the goal, & where the person gets the motivation to achieve it.

It's never too late to have a happy childhood!

I was responding to a post on the forum recently where a fellow-NLPer was asking about a demonstration of a timeline technique he'd seen a video of me doing on the site. His question related to the "removal & replacement" of memories.

(Declaration of interest: is a new NLP site I've launched that includes videos, audios, articles & an online forum).

There's a classic NLP technique called "Change Personal History" developed by Bandler & Grinder. You know how if a person's feeling blue then they seem to remember sad memories etc, whereas when you're feeling happy, you remember the good times & have a generally sunny outlook?

That seems to be because feelings act almost like an indexing mechanism - when you type "Frank Zappa" into google, it brings back all the websites sorted by which ones reference Frankie. When a person accesses the feeling called "fear of public speaking", the brain seems to sort for all the memories that go along with it.

This makes sense from an evolutionary perspective - those memories may hold valuable information on how to deal with the situation.

The "Change Personal History" technique takes advantage of this, accessing a number of these related memories along a timeline, then goes back to an early reference experience. Once there, the goal is to change the MEANING of the experience. The memory data (ie what "really" happened) remains unchanged, but we look for ways for the explorer to alter / upgrade / resource the meaning of the data - to make new meaning of it.

This then has a domino effect as successive memories are revisited "from this new perspective & bringing all this info with it".

This is, in essence, the nature of ALL timeline work as far as I can tell - changing the meaning of the data. Memory is archival - write once, read many times. The original data remains unchanged, but the meaning we make of that data is forever negotiable.

Of course, the specific methods & representations used to influence that meaning can vary from the very direct ("So, with all the resources of the adult you, what new meaning can you make of that now, from this new perspective!") to the less direct ("So, as you look to your past experience, notice which memories are glowing, & which are dark, & sprinkle healing fairy dust on all of them!").

That latter one may sound as though I'm being tongue in cheek, but I'm not really (well, maybe a little then), but the reality is that they are both just ways of getting someone to influence their internal meaning-making mechanism. One will work better for one person, the other for someone else, & all points in between & beyond too!

Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Eliminate Problems with the Legendary Unsticker

I was working on the navigation for a website last week, but I kept getting stuck. While it didn’t seem like an overly complex task, there were lots of options & details to be catered for, & I kept running up against a brick wall.

After trying my default approach (“Think harder!”) for a while, I decided to take a different angle, & use an approach that always helps get things moving when they’ve been feeling stuck: The Legendary Unsticker.

The first step for using the Unsticker is this: Think about your problem and define it in a single sentence. The sentence I came up with was this:

I have been having difficulty coming up with a rational & solid structure for the website that will appeal to people, be useful to them & be logically organised.”

Then I started using the Unsticker. The Unsticker is the creation of NLP Trainer & published NLP author, Peter Freeth. As well as being a superb NLP trainer, one of the things I love about Peter is the creative & innovative way he applies NLP (that’s part of why I asked him to be my co-trainer in Salad).

Here’s an example: Peter doesn’t focus on solving problems – he focuses on “breaking” problems so the problem doesn’t work anymore!


Here’s how it works. When a person says they have “a problem” or that they’re “stuck”, what they’re really saying is “When I think about this situation in this way, I can’t see/hear/feel a workable solution.”

From an NLP perspective, problems don’t tend to exist in “the world” but in a person’s map of the world. When they enrich their map, the “problem” disappears (see my article NLP Presuppositions Part One – Maps & Models for more details).

The Unsticker uses carefully designed questions to influence the way a person represents their problem. As the internal representations of what used to be called a problem begin to change, the person no longer experiences it as “a problem”, & solutions begin to emerge. Cool huh!

You can take it for a trial run at

Before you begin: Think about your problem and define it in a single sentence. You might even like to write it down – it can be kind of fun to look back at something you used to perceive as a problem & realise just how easily you have made changes.

I used The Unsticker for about 15 minutes, making a few notes as I went along. Then I started creating the navigation design with renewed vigour, & a sense of fluidity. I was no longer stuck!

Next time you notice that you’ve been perceiving something as a problem, have a go on The Unsticker & enjoy discovering just how quickly you begin to notice new solutions & possibilities emerging.

Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Rapid Belief Change Using the "Pen & Paper" Technique

I was doing an informal coaching session with a colleague the other day who wanted to lose weight. Early on in our conversation, he said "I've always thought of myself as a slightly overweight person."

My spidey-senses started tingling, & asked "Who would you be if you were not a slightly overweight person."

"I don't know" he said.

Our self-perception has great power over our experiences. This person had been watching what he ate, exercising for an hour at a time, 4 or 5 times a week. What's more, he'd been doing it for ages. So why couldn't he seem to shift this excess weight?

His self-perception: "I've always thought of myself as a slightly overweight person."

This is an identity statement, & reflected h
is sense of "Who I am". We all like to be somebody, & we all havea desire to remain consistent with that sense of identity. In my colleague's case, he didn't have a sense of who he would be if he weren't that slightly overweight person! On one level, "losing weight" would equal "losing self".

Wild, huh!

That's why no matter how sensibly he ate or how much he exercised, his weight didn't shift - he didn't want to lose himself!

(Well, that was my hypothesis after the first two minutes, anyway. I have been known to leap wildly to conclusions, but the conclusions I leap to tend to be fairly well-informed :-)

After thinking about it some more, he decided that rather than being "a slightly overweight person", he would like to be "of average weight".

So I had him do a simple exercise. I asked him to take two pieces of paper & write one of the following sentence-stems at the top of each.
  • Losing weight is...
  • Being average weight is...
  • People who are average weight are...

Then I got him to brainstorm ways of completing the sentences for a couple of minutes (I helped out by saying the sentence-stems above with various tonalities, then waiting for him to complete them).

He started out with "party-approved" ideas like:
  • People who are average weight are...healthy, happy, fit

But after a while, some unexpected conclusions started popping out, like:
  • People who are average weight are...boring, stupid, nasty, with daft trousers

Suddenly, he started laughing as he remembered various incidents from his school days involving people of average weight, whom he'd sworn to himself that he'd never be like.

While at a conscious level, he'd wanted to become slim & fit, his unconscious mind was holding various negative associations with those ideas. With the process of remembering them & laughing about them, he seemed to be making some significant shifts, but I wanted to be sure, so I invited him to say "I am a person of average weight", then notice & accept any thoughts or sensations that arose.

He did this various times, & I did a bit of future pacing to lock in the changes.

While I was using this simple technique for making changes around weight, you can use it to explore & alter your beliefs around:
  • Money & wealth (something I've done on various occasions: "Money is...", "Dealing with money is...", "Wealthy people are...")

  • Relationships (I got a woman who was keen to have a relationship to do this exercise, & she came out with "People in relationships are smug & miserable!", among other things: "Men/Women are...", "Relationships are...", "People in relationships are...")

  • Success in general: "Success is...", "Becoming successful is...", "Successful people are..."

  • Any other area of your life
The wording is optional - you can tune it to whatever your situation is. But keep writing responses until nothing else comes out - then do a little more. :-)

I received a call from my colleague two weeks later, who reported that he'd lost eight pounds, but the strange thing was, he hadn't even been thinking about it! This is often the case with NLP & Hypnosis - something which had been perceived as a problem, & had been a focal point for worry etc, isn't any longer!

I can vouch for that - I can't believe the things I used to think!

Friday, 10 August 2007

How To Have An Amazingly Exciting Life Full of Cool Experiences & Stuff

Hi all,

For the past week, I've been reading & listening to my new favourite book, The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferris, a 29 year-old entrepreneur who went from working 12-hour days, 7 days a week to travelling the world having exciting adventures, while still drawing a substantial income. His superb, reality-tunnel-busting book tells you how how he did it, & how you can do it too.

So what does it all have to do with NLP & Hypnosis?

Plenty. For example, when I started my company Salad nearly 5 years ago, I had several goals:
  • To help lots of people realise they're capable of more than they thought they were & learn NLP.
  • To spend my working time doing something I love doing.
  • To create fininacial freedom & time freedom
I've been doing the first two of these pretty much from the first Salad was in business, but the third one has been more elusive. Let's look at it more closely:

To create financial freedom & time freedom

Financial freedom is an abstract concept, but what it means to me is being able to have all your expenses covered by passive income - income that comes in without you having to do anything. Examples of passive income might include:
  • Dividends from investments
  • Interest paid to you by the bank
  • Royalties from songs, books or other intellectual property
  • Revenue from a business that runs without your involvement

The big idea is that financial freedom resulting from passive income leads to time freedom. I've always defined time freedom as "not having to work". The regular response I get from people when I talk about "not having to work" is a variation of the following:
  • But I like my work!
  • I would get bored if I wasn't working!
  • It's bad not to work, etc.

I then explain that it's not all about working, but about not HAVING to work.

Anyway, that's all by the by, because after nearly five years in busines, & having built a successful business which generates residual income, I suddenly realised that:
  • I work full time
  • I take few holidays
  • I have not been experiencing time freedom, quite the opposite in fact!
So why is this? There are several reasons:

People like what's familiar
Human beings like what's familiar. While we might have dreams of an exciting future, what we did yesterday has a proven track record - after all, it helped us survive until today! This 'familiarity factor' is sometimes referred to as your comfort zone. The comfort zone gets established whenever things have been a certain way over a significant period of time (sometimes as short as 3 weeks). While I've been talking about time freedom for years, what I'm familiar with is working. I've been working full-time since I was a teenager. Not only that, my dad & my grandfathers & the rest of my ancestors have been working full-time since the industrial revolution. That's hundreds of years of genetics, imprinting, conditioning, learning & social factors. For me, working full-time has been familiar, & highly rewarded.

Time freedom is an attractive but abstract concept
Time freedom is abstract - I like the idea of it, but it doesn't have anywhere near the same amount of substance as my day to day working life. Plus, it's non-specific. If you were planning a holiday, & your destination was "Peace & relaxation", you'd have to get way more specific before you can book your ticket.

"Peace & relaxation" sounds good, but it's an abstract concept. It's tough to buy that ticket. On the other hand, a three-week trip to the Maldives next June is something that can actually happen.

"Time freedom" sounds good too, but it's an abstract concept. It's tough to buy that ticket. Oops!

There are no voids at the unconscious level
You've probably heard people say that the unconscious doesn't process negatives (you can't not think of a pink elephant etc). Top NLP trainer Chris Hall says "there are no voids at the unconscious level", & uses the metaphor of the blind spot.

Check this out:

Cover your right eye with your hand, then (using your left eye) look at the small cross to the right side of the image. Slowly moving your head towards the screen, while looking at the cross, & at a certain point, the red dot will disappear.

That's because the red dot is now in your blind spot, where the optic nerve joins the back of your eye. But here's the cool bit: the space where the red dot was gets filled in with the blue lines around it. Your brain fills in the space with what it thinks should be there, using whatever is around it!

This is what my brain did with the 'void' that I created when I focused on the abstract concept of 'time freedom' - filled it in with what was all around it. And what was all around it? Work!

And now for the solution

The solution is incredibly obvious: plan how you are going to fill your free time, with specific, scheduled goals. Here are some of the ones Timothy Ferris has already accomplished:

Unbelievably inspirational, huh? So here are a few things I'm planning to fill my 'time freedom' with over the next few years:
  • Get a standing ovation from a crowd of 50,000 people when I talk (if you know of an audience, I am willing to travel)
  • Earn my black belt in Krav Maga
  • Eat at one of the world's greatest restaurants each month
  • Go on the fantasticable
  • Get a massage each week
  • Learn a foreign language
I'll keep you posted! In the meantime, I strongly suggest you check out The 4-Hour Workbook.


Friday, 3 August 2007

How Changing One Word Can Save Your Sanity

Hi guys

Hats off to Nikki Owen (Uber-assistant of my company, Salad) who saved my bacon (and quite possibly my sanity) this week with some classic Real World NLP.

A bit of background: I used to work managing large, mission-critical business projects for publishing companies. While I was good at my job, there was a minor problem: I really didn’t like it! So I quit my job, learned NLP & created Salad so I could do what I love.

So far so good.

The problem started when we set some new business goals, and I decided that we needed to use a ‘project’ to make them happen. We duly started having meetings, creating plans, and generally doing all the things you need to do when running a project.

And I started getting tense. Then I started getting tenser…

It came to a head the other day when Nikki told me that for the past week or two I’d been snippy with the people on my team. Now here’s the thing: I have an amazing team at Salad, and the last thing I want to do is be snippy with them.

Plus, being snippy totally messes with my preferred self-image as a wise and serene leader! We had to do something fast.

That’s when Nikki had one of her (not uncommon) flashes of brilliance: “Instead of calling it a project, we’re going to call it an adventure.”

Now, I know you may be saying “That’s just changing the name”, but it’s actually doing much much more.

You see, words don’t start at the mouth. When you hear or say a word, loads of associations are brought into your mind. If the words have quite a narrow focus (Eg. iPod, chair, towel) then the range of connections in your mind is typically quite small. But for words with a broader focus, or where you have a lot of emotionally-charged experience, the range of connections is much larger. (To learn more about how this works and how you can use it to your advantage, check out Watch Your Language, an article I wrote a few years ago).

In my case, describing something as a project activated certain skills & abilities (useful) and a whole bunch of unpleasant memories & emotions (less useful). In my mind, the word project was associated with a bunch of images, sounds, smells, tastes & feelings that was something like this:

The word adventure, on the other hand, was associated with a bunch of images, sounds, smells, tastes & feelings that was something like this:

Aaaah. And relax.

Now that I’ve finally figured this out, I’ll do some NLP to get access to all the project skills & other resources, while leaving all the nasty project feelings & associations in a box at the bottom of the ocean.

But I’ll keep calling it an adventure. After all, anything worth doing is worth getting excited about!

Thursday, 2 August 2007

Instant Performance Enhancers

Hi guys

Welcome to my new Real World NLP & Hypnosis blog. I’ll be updating the blog regularly with real life examples of NLP & Hypnosis in action, as well as whatever else I happen to be exploring / pondering / obsessing about on the day.

I moved into my new house in Leicester the day before yesterday. Speaking of which, a million thank-yous to Nikki Owen (formerly Nikki Leigh), my amazing assistant for making the move a reality - I’m really grateful to have Nikki heading up such a fantastic team here at Salad.

Anyway, last night I was playing with the superb game, Bop It Extreme 2.

This seriously addictive game involves responding to spoken commands (“Flick it”, “Spin it”, “Twist it”, “Pull it” & “Bop it”) issues at high speed over a ‘beatbox’ soundtrack.

Because it requires both hands & both sides of the brain, as well as a combination of linguistic, rhythmic, visual & tactile senses, it’s great for inducing high-performance ‘flow’ states.

Anyway, I’ve been playing with it over the last week, getting scores of up to 70 or 80, when I suddenly realised I hadn’t set a specific goal. As an experiment, I set a goal to get a score of 200. I imagined getting a 200 score, imagined how I would feel, then started playing the game. Whenever my attention started to wander, I would say “200” to myself.

It seemed like I’d been playing for ages when I finally missed one, & the machine said Game over – high score – 230”.

This was a potent reminder for me of just how powerful, practical & instantaneous the effects are when you set a goal. This isn’t because goals are “a good thing” – it’s because of the way that human neurology works. What you focus on increases. When I focused on getting a score over 200, my unconscious in ways that I couldn’t figure out consciously. mind took over & helped me to get it

When you set goals in your life, you instantly harness the awesome power of your unconscious mind to help you achieve them.